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Maker Education Summit (Subscription)

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  5. Day 4:
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  7. Day 6:
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  8. Day 7:
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  9. Bonus Resources
    3 Lectures
Section 2, Lecture 3
In Progress

João Alves – Why I Created CSEduino

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0% Complete

What is this session about?

In this presentation, João tells the story of how he entered the maker world. He describes what the CSEduino is and why he created this project. Lastly, he gives a practical demonstration of creating a CSEduino board in Kicad.

About the speaker

João has been in the IT world for more than two decades.

He is interested in keeping up to date with the latest and greatest technological innovations. He considers himself a Computer Geek and an Open Source evangelist.

João embraced the Makerworld in 2013 as a hobby and has been an active member of altLab since 2013. In 2014, he created an Arduino-Clone called CSEduino as a hobby project to give him a better understanding of how Arduino electronics works.

He likes to tweak with technology that aims to improve the quality of our life. He is interested in programming, electronics, and open-knowledge (a cross between open-source and free knowledge).

Post-summit chat

Questions answered:

  1. Amir: I really like how you are documenting your work in your website. Can you give us some details about how you’ve made it?
  2. Alvin: What is happening with CSEduino today? Any plans for a new version?
  3. Nicolas: I only have very basic knowledge of electronics. Should I do some work on that first, and then work on my first PCB?
  4. Lara: I’m interested in helping setup a hacker space like altLab. Can you tell us how altLab begun, and how it grew? How is it funded?
  5. Willie: What are you working on at the moment?
  6. Oskar: Have you created PCBs with 4 or more layers? If yes, any pointers? Also, have you ever had problems with high-frequency signals?
  7. Peter D: How do you plan work on a complex project?


  1. João’s email address: [email protected] 
  2. João’s Twitter handle: @jpralves 
  3. João’s Github page: 
  4. João’s Facebook page: 
  5. João’s LinkedIn page: 
  6. João’s website: 
  7. Altlab: 
  8. CSEDuino on Hackster: 
  9. CSEDuino on the KiCad website: