Section 1, Lecture 3
In Progress

1.40 – How to make the most out of this course

Section Progress
0% Complete

As with anything worth learning, to complete this course and achieve your learning objectives, you will need to put aside time and make a significant effort.

In this lecture, we’ll look at a few things you can do so that the time you spend on this course is both effective and enjoyable.

Don’t have all the hardware?

In this course, I use an Arduino Uno and various modules that come with the Sunfounder 3-in-1 Kit for Arduino. You can see the complete listing of hardware components in the course parts list.

If you have not already watched my dedicated lecture on the hardware components for this course, please do so before you begin work on the course.

You don’t have to use the same hardware I used. And you don’t need to purchase the Sunfounder kit. While it is convenient, you can source all the components you will need from many online sellers, such as on Amazon, eBay or Aliexpress, and your local electronics DIY store.

Using any Arduino Uno-compatible board is okay.

It is also Okay to use an Arduino Mega2560 as it is electrically and programmatically compatible with the Arduino Uno.

The Sunfounder 3-in-1 Arduino kit contains all the necessary parts for this course except for the 2×15 LCD module without the I2C backpack. You can find the LCD module on the Sunfounder website or at your preferred retailer.

You can find a complete listing of the hardware for this course on our website.

Course code and schematics repository

This course has a GitHub repository that contains all code and schematics.

You can copy this code to save time and reduce the risk of bugs.

You can also print the schematics and annotate them with your modifications.

You can download the entire repository to your computer or work with one file at a time. The GitHub repository is easy to navigate.

Each file name starts with the numerical ID of a lecture. You can use these numbers to find the sketch and schematic for each lecture quickly.

Take your time, plan

Now, let’s talk about time.

Learning anything worthwhile takes time.

Plan for your learning, and dedicate the necessary time to your schedule.

Be in control of your learning through planning.

I have designed this course for people already familiar with Arduino, wiring and programming.

You should complete this course by following the lectures in the order they appear in the curriculum.

You should plan to complete each prototype in one sitting. Allocate around 1 hour for each prototype, though it is possible to complete them in half that time.

Complete + understand each lecture

Mark a lecture as “completed” only after you have achieved its practical objectives and have understood it.

If you proceed through the course without completing the practical and learning objectives of each lecture, you will strike an obstacle that you will be unable to overcome later, and you will have to backtrack.

I hope you are ready to begin. In the next section, you will learn about the individual components that you will use in the Arduino Environment Monitor project.

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