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KiCad Like a Pro 3e

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  1. 01 - Introduction
    5 Lectures
  2. 02 - Getting started with PCB design
    6 Lectures
  3. 03 – Getting started with KiCad
    19 Lectures
  4. 04 - Project: A hands-on tour of KiCad - Schematic Design
    11 Lectures
  5. 05 - Project: A hands-on tour of KiCad - Layout
    10 Lectures
  6. 06 - Design principles and PCB terms
    16 Lectures
  7. 07 - Design workflow and considerations
    19 Lectures
  8. 08 - Fundamental Kicad how-to: Symbols and Eeschema
    17 Lectures
  9. 09 - Fundamental Kicad how-to: Footprints and Pcbnew
    26 Lectures
  10. 10 - Project: Design a simple breadboard power supply PCB
    22 Lectures
  11. 11 - Project: A 4 x 8 x 8 LED matrix array clock
    23 Lectures
  12. 12 - Project: MCU datalogger with build-in 512K EEPROM and clock
    35 Lectures
  13. 13 - Project: An ESP32 clone
    26 Lectures
  14. 14 - Recipes
    31 Lectures
  15. 15 - KiCad 7 new features and changes
    19 Lectures
  16. Conclusion
    1 Lecture
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