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KiCad Like a Pro 3e – eBook
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eBook status1 Lecture
00 - Front matter5 Lectures
01 - Getting started with PCB design6 Lectures
02 – Getting started with KiCad12 Lectures
KiCad Project Manager (main window)
Overview of the individual KiCad apps
Paths and Libraries
(Legacy) KiCad Project Manager (main window)
(Legacy) Overview of the individual KiCad apps
(Legacy) Paths and Libraries
Create a new project from scratch
Create a new project from a template
KiCad on Mac OS, Linux, Windows
(Legacy) Kicad 6 on Mac OS, Linux, Windows
(Legacy) Major Differences between KiCad 6.0 and 5.0
03 - Project: A hands-on tour of KiCad - Schematic Design11 Lectures
Introduction to schematic design
Quick intro to the design workflows
The finished KiCad project and directory
Start Kicad and create a new project
1 - Start Eeschema, setup Sheet
2 - Add symbols
3 - Arrange, annotate, associate
4 - Wiring
5 - Nets
6 - The Electrical Rules Check
7 - Comments with text and graphics
Introduction to schematic design
04 - Project: A hands-on tour of KiCad - Layout10 Lectures
Introduction to layout design and objective of this section
1 - Start Pcbnew, import footprints
2 - Outline and constraints (edge cut)
3 - Move footprints in place
4 - Route (add tracks)
5 - Refine the outline
6 - Silkscreen (text and graphics)
7 - Design rules check
8 - Export Gerbers and order
The manufactured PCB
Introduction to layout design and objective of this section
05 - Design principles and PCB terms16 Lectures
06 - PCB design workflows17 Lectures
The KiCad Schematic Design Workflow
Schematic Design Step 1: Setup
Schematic Design Step 2: Symbols
Schematic Design Step 3: AAA (Arrange, Annotate, Associate)
Schematic Design Step 4: Wire
Schematic Design Step 5: Nets
Schematic Design Step 6: Electrical Rules Check
Schematic Design Step 7: Comments and Graphics
The KiCad Layout Design Workflow
Layout Design Step 1: Setup
Layout Design Step 2: Outline and constraints
Layout Design Step 3: Place footprints
Layout Design Step 4a: Route
Layout Design Step 4b: Copper fills
Layout Design Step 5: Silkscreen
Layout Design Step 6: Design rules check
Layout Design Step 7: Export & Manufacture
The KiCad Schematic Design Workflow
07 - Fundamental Kicad how-to: Symbols and Eeschema17 Lectures
About this section
Left toolbar overview
Top toolbar overview
Right toolbar overview
Schematic editor preferences
How to find a symbol with the Chooser
How to find schematic symbols on the Internet
How to install symbol libraries in bulk
How to create a custom symbol
How to associate a symbol with a footprint
Net labels
Net classes
Hierarchical sheets
Global labels
Hierarchical labels and import sheet pin
Electrical rules and customization
Bulk editing of schematic elements
About this section
08 - Fundamental Kicad how-to: Footprints and Pcbnew31 Lectures
Left toolbar overview
Top toolbar overview
Top toolbar Row 1
Top toolbar Row 2
Right toolbar overview
Right toolbar main buttons
Right toolbar overview - Appearance
Layout editor preferences (Preferences window, PCB Editor)
Board Setup
Board Setup - Board Stackup
Board Setup - Text & Graphics
Board Setup - Design Rules and net classes
Board Setup - Design Rules - Custom Rules and violation severity
How to find and use a footprint
Footprint sources on the Internet
How to install footprint libraries
Filled zones
Keep-out zones
Interactive router
Length measuring tools
Bulk editing
Create a custom footprint, introduction
Create a new library and footprint
Create a custom footprint, 1, Fabrication layer
Create a custom footprint, 2, Pads
Create a custom footprint, 3, Courtyard layer
Create a custom footprint, 4, Silkscreen layer
Use the new footprint
Finding and using a 3D shape for a footprint
How to export and test Gerber files
09 - Project: Design a simple breadboard power supply PCB23 Lectures
Schematic design editing
Schema 1 - Setup
Schema 2 - Symbols
Edit Component values
Schema 3 - Arrange, Annotate
Schema 3 - Associate
Schema 4 - Wiring
Schema 5 & 6 - Nets and Electrical Rules Check
Schema 7 - Comments
Introduction to layout editing
Layout 1 - Setup
Layout 2 - Outline and constraints
Layout 3 - Place footprints
Layout 2 supplemental - Refine outline
Layout 4 - Routing
Layout 5 - Copper fills
Layout 6 - Silkscreen
Layout 7 - Design Rules Check
Layout 8 - Export and Manufacture
Finding and correcting a design defect
Fix the schematic
Fix the layout
10 - Project: A 4 x 8 x 8 LED matrix array clock25 Lectures
Project - Introduction
Schematic design
Schema 1 - Setup
Schema 2 - Symbols
Schema 3 - Arrange, Annotate
Schema 3 - Associate
Schema 4 - Wiring
Schema 5 - Nets
Schema 6 - Electrical Rules Check
Schema 7 - Comments
Schema - Last-minute edits
Layout design
Layout 1 - Setup
Layout 2 - Outline and constraints
Layout 3 - Place components
Layout 2 - Refine outline
Layout 3 - Move footprints to back layer
Layout 4 - Route
Layout 4 - Copper fills
Layout 5 - Silkscreen
Layout 6 - Design Rules Check
Layout 7 - Manufacture
Bonus - 3D shapes
Bonus - Found a bug in the schematic! (and fix)
The assembled and working PCB
Project - Introduction
11 - Project: MCU datalogger with build-in 512K EEPROM and clock37 Lectures
Project - Introduction
Create the new project and create new Git repository
Schematic design
Schema 1 - Setup
Schema 2 - Symbols
Schema 2 - Sheet 2
Schema 3 - Arrange, Annotate
Edit Component values
Schema 3 - Associate
Schema 4 - Wiring of sheet 1
Schema 4 - Wiring of sheet 2
Schema 5 - Nets
Schema 6 - Electrical Rules Check
Schema 7 - Comments
Git, setup in a 2-layer PCB branch
Layout design
Layout 1 - Setup
Layout 2 - Outline and constraints
Layout 3 - Place components
Layout 2 - Outline refinement
Layout 4 - Route
Layout 4 - Copper fills
Layout 4 - Routing improvements
Layout 5 - Silkscreen
Layout 4 - Routing violations and complete silkscreen
Layout 6 - Design Rules Check
Layout 7 - Manufacture
3D shapes
Merge 2-layer branch to main
Design 4 Layer PCB in new Git branch
Four-layer PCB routing
Four-layer PCB manufacturing
Updating layout from changes to the schematic with Git
Finding and correcting a design defect
Fix the schematic
Fix the 2 layer PCB layout
Fix the 4 layer PCB layout
Project - Introduction
12 - Project: An ESP32 clone25 Lectures
Project - Introduction
Schema 1 - New KiCad project and Schematic Setup
Schema 2 - Symbols
Schema 3 - Annotate and set component values
Schema 3 - Arrange
Schema 3 - Associate
Schema 4 - Wiring
Schema 5 - Nets and Net Classes
Schema 6 - Electrical Rules Check
Schema 7 - Comments
Layout - Introduction
Layout 1 - Setup
Layout 2 - Outline and constraints
Layout 3 - Place components
Layout 2 supplemental - refine outline
Layout 4 - Route
Layout 4 - Copper fills and keep out areas
Layout 5 - Silkscreen
Layout 4 - Routing improvements
Layout 6 - Design Rules Check
Layout 7 - Manufacture
3D shapes
Finding and correcting a design defect
Fix the schematic
Fix the layout
Project - Introduction
13 - Recipes56 Lectures
How to create a custom graphic
Change a symbol in bulk
Change a footprint in bulk
Interactive delete
Find and Replace (Eeschema)
Edit Text & Graphics Properties
Edit Track & Via Properties (Pcbnew)
Text variables
Board Setup - pre-defined sizes for tracks and vias
Board Setup - Design rules violation severity
Board Setup - Custom design rules
Schematic Setup - Electrical Rules and violation severity
Schematic Setup - Electrical Rules and Pin conflicts map
Field name templates
Bill of Materials method 1: Pcbnew
Bill of Materials method 2: Eeschema
Bill of Materials method 3: Interactive HTML BOM plugin
Import components from Snapeda
The Freerouting autorouter introduction
Install and start FreeRouting on MacOS
Install and start FreeRouting on Linux Kubuntu
Install and start FreeRouting on Windows
How to use the Freerouting autorouter 2-layer example
How to use the Freerouting autorouter 4-layer example
Pcbnew Inspection menu
Single-track and differential pair routing
Track length tuning
Differential pair skew tuning
Interactive router modes
The footprint wizard
Pin and wire highlighter tool
Pcbnew Origins
How to create custom sizes for tracks and vias
KiCad project management with Git
Install Git
Git configuration
Create a new KiCad project Git repository
How to ignore files with Gitignore
Basic Git commands: add, commit, log, diff
Basic Git commands: branch
Basic Git commands: merge
Sharing your KiCad project on GitHub
How to customize the editor color scheme
How to import an EAGLE, Altium, or Cadstar project
The circuit simulator
Prepare the circuit for simulation
Configure the simulator
Import a KiCad 5 project
KiCad project templates
Use a system project template
Create a user project template
Archive/un-archive and share a project
How to use buses
Calculate the width of a trace
Design a custom schematic sheet
How to create a custom graphic
14 - What's new in KiCad 714 Lectures
14.2. Text and text boxes
14.3. Plugin and Content Manager: Plugins
14.4. Plugin and Content Manager: Libraries
14.5. Plugin and Content Manager: Themes
14.6. Drag and drop
14.7. Command Line Interface
14.8. Orthogonal dragging
14.9. PDF export improvements
14.10. PCB editor - Unroute selected route
14.11. PCB editor - Automatically complete trace route
14.12. Search panel
14.13. Improved Pack & Move footprints
14.14. More information and documentation about KiCad 7
XX – Content by contributing authors4 Lectures
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03 – Project: A hands-on tour of KiCad – Schematic Design
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